Rise in participation of women in the workplace

Which two of the six reasons listed in the Last Word do you think are the most important in explaining the rise in participation of women in the workplace? Explain your reasoning.




A poll taken in a class of 60 college freshman gave the first three reasons (women's rising wage rates, changing preferences, attitudes and expanded job accessibility) nearly all the votes.  Each of these explanations received about one third of the votes.  Surprisingly, not a single student voted for “declining birth rates” as a reason for the rise in the number of women in the workforce. The consensus of the class was that the last three explanations were the effects, rather than the cause of more women joining the workforce.  Because wage rates are higher the opportunity cost of raising children has risen.  Women have chosen to bear few children since they are currently more expensive.  Similarly, women who have a higher earning capacity find the opportunity cost of getting a divorce reduced.  Finally, male earnings may have stagnated partially because of the entrance of large numbers of well-educated women into the workforce which increases competition for existing jobs.

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