Question on budget line

On a Lotto Canada ticket A person won $15 at the local 7-Eleven & decided to spend all the winnings money on bags of peanuts and candy bars. The cost of candy bars= $.75 and the cost of peanuts = $1.50.

a. In general, how would he decide which of the obtainable combinations of candy bars and bags of peanuts to buy?

b. Assume that he had won $30 on your ticket, not $15. Illustrate the $30 budget line in your diagram. Why would this budget line is preferable to the old one?






(a) The decision of how much of each to purchase would involve weighing the marginal benefits & marginal costs of the several alternatives.  If, for instance, the marginal benefits of moving from alternative C to alternative D are greater than the marginal costs, then this consumer have to move to D (and then compare again to E, and so forth, until MB=MC is obtained).


1360_budget line.png

The budget line at $30 would be preferable since it would let greater consumption of both goods.



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