The Art of Learning from Mistakes

The Art of Learning from Mistakes

As the saying goes, 'to err is human', is very much true. Making mistakes is part and parcel of learning. It's unavoidable. And one shouldn't feel ashamed after doing so. No one likes making blunders. Everyone slips up one time or the other. It just happens. People should be supportive instead of pointing it out. They should help the person overcome it. Philosophers say that mistakes are part of growing up. One gains experience and doesn't repeat it. Plus, a sense of judgement is developed.

The difficult part is admitting that the mistake happened. Sometimes arrogance gets in the way, and people end up trying to justify themselves and making soup for themselves. And it isn't helpful when others start to pinpoint. Committing mistakes is human. There is nothing to feel ashamed about. Instead of making things worse, others should give a helping hand and make the situation calm. They should help the person get over it and learn from it. Moreover, those admitting their mistakes gain trust and confidence of the people. It leads to progress. 

Making Mistakes Are Unavoidable

The world is fast changing. So are the things around us from the environment to technology and gadgets to the way we think. On top of that, everyone has their opinion. And this isn't helpful at all when we have to make a decision or come to a conclusion. In fact, it makes us more confused than ever! Thus, mess ups are bound to happen. One shouldn't forget that a person gains wisdom in the process. People shouldn't blame others for it because it's not helpful at all. Some think that by accusing others of their slip-up, they can save their image or reputation. It leaves the person stuck in and no space to move forward.  People should love themselves and value their mistakes. Moreover, negative experiences train our brains to be more careful. To learn from mistakes, the person should be open to change and criticism.

Researchers say that people make mistakes the most when they are stressed out; nail-biting nervous; tired; have a deadline to meet, or time constraints. In such kind of situations, they end up making bad decisions.It makes their breath shallow and heightens the heart rate. And people feel sweaty and anxious. Stress leads to negative self-evaluation and affects the self-esteem. There is negative thinking, resulting in mistakes. One should learn to cope with it.Researchers have identified four kinds of mistakes that people make. It has been categorised as:

i.    Simple - this kind of slip ups are avoidable for example, a person has organised a party but has order food for only ten people.

ii.    Stupid -sometimes senseless things just happen such as bumping toe on the door, spilling a glass of water on the table or dropping a slice of pizza on someone's foot!

iii.    Tricky - this kind of mess-ups happen from time to time. Its avoidable, but happens anyhow, such as a person arrives late for work, or a person overruns the limit on their credit card

iv.    Complex -it normally happens when a person has to make a tough decision. And it gets the bad result of it. The person should consider taking other people's help or advice.

Psychologists have revealed that mistakes often happen when the mind is pre-occupied. The concentration is not there. Distraction makes the situation worse. In these kinds of circumstances, mistakes are bound to happen.

What Can One Learn From Mistakes

There's a lot a person can learn from their mistakes. The first step is recognising that there is a problem. Then one can turn it around by:

  • Alerting (warning) others
  • Speaking up
  • Rectify it
  • Find the cause of the problem
  • Finding a solution
  • Listen to other people's opinions/views
  • Using one's skills
  • Getting motivated from it
  • Understand the situation
  • Study the condition
  • How it happened
  • Being honest about it
  • Learn from our fears through mistakes
  • Learn from your weaknesses
  • Be humble
  • Open up yourself/analyse yourself
  • Develop a positive attitude
  • Take responsibility
  • It gives us space to refine and expand ourselves

Instead of crying over slip ups, one should celebrate it and be proud of it. And learn from it to avoid doing the same in the future. A person should always be alert so that they notice the mistake. Don't look at the past slip-ups as this will only worsen the situation and make the person feel depressed. One has to be confident to make the necessary changes needed. It's best to make small mistakes and learn from it than making big blunders.

Overall, errors should be considered as stepping stones towards success. And making mistakes doesn't affect anyone's status quo. Rather, it elevates them as they accepted and corrected it. People shouldn't be afraid of mistakes. It doesn't lead to failure. Mistakes shouldn't be regarded as a disappointment. It's part of the learning process, whereby the person messing up as well as his peers can observe and learn. And the saying that we live to learn and we learn to live is very much true here. Moreover, as human beings, we have been gifted to ponder and evaluate our mistakes. We get a second chance. In fact, it helps a person stand up and gives them courage and confidence to do it all over again. It builds a person character and strengthens him or her. Makes them a good individual, and sets examples for the rest and good examples are Steve Jobs (the late CEO of Apple), Albert Einstein, and J.K. Rowling. These individuals had slip ups one time or the other in their lives, they learnt from it and eventually became the persons that they are known for today. It's totally okay to stumble a few times. Before grasping the skill of walking, babies stagger. They are not able to balance themselves. Then as they practice and continue trying, they grasp the skill. It's the same with youths and young adults. Mistakes help one to grow up as a person. It also helps the brain to grow.

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